Maintaining a Healthy Relationship is like Tending to your Garden…If you Care for your Garden Daily you will Enjoy Beautiful Benefits!

If you think of a garden and equate it to your relationship you will see many similarities. A beautiful garden starts out with fresh soil and it appears to be tidy, orderly and isn’t muddled up with a lot of vines. This is an exciting time! You have an empty patch of loam and are very excited to plant your seeds with high expectations of someday producing a glorious bountiful garden.

There is no denying that a garden needs a lot of attention if you want to produce fruits, vegetables and flowers. By fertilizing, pruning, watering and weeding you will most likely have a garden that is generous and happy. Dedication and care is a must and you will most likely reap the benefits of a healthy harvest if you don’t’ overlook the garden’s needs.

You can get by with skipping a day or two or even a week of nurture, but if you neglect it any longer, weeds will most likely take over and your garden will become a tangled mess. Sure you can untangle the vines and even cut them clean, but it is the harm that was done along the way that may have sacrificed you a more abundant crop. The bottom line is, daily maintenance will always pay off and the more attention you pay to a garden the healthier it will be! Enjoy the Benefits.

Can you see how a garden is similar to a healthy relationship? Many relationships start out on a high note where attention, affection and happiness happens effortlessly day in and day out. Both partners are excited to cherish each other and act spontaneously to brighten their partner’s day. Respect and appreciation are key elements to maintaining closeness in a relationship.

Always remember to tend to your “garden” no matter what state it is in. With love and attention you can rebuild and grow just about anything, even if it looks like it is about to dwindle.

Happy Watering!


Your Healthy Relationship is committed to helping you develop confident and self-fulfilling relationships by using new skills and healthy communication to bridge the gap to intimacy. To Schedule a 20 Minute Complimentary Consultation with Amy, CLICK HERE.

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